What does the average main character of the book, film or game do when he finds out that he had a second cousin of his aunt? That’s right, it makes certificates if she left him something valuable in the inheritance. Character Fabulous founds Very lucky: he received medium -sized real estate for personal use. Sell it, but live acely for the money made out, but there is one problem: the house is pretty cluttered and needs overhaul, which, as usual, is not. But the actor came across a smart person: a plan was drawn up very quickly, how to deal with all the troubles in one fell swoop. Namely: to disassemble unnecessary things and what has a more or less decent condition, to sell neighbors. Let the helped evergreen pieces of paper on the finish of the mansion, and then give the latter to good and wealthy hands.
Game process Fabulous founds can be divided into three parts. The first – the search for things that may interest potential buyers from the surrounding houses. In order to put up at least something for sale, you will have to carefully sort out the contents of garages, old pantries and other places with an increased concentration of unnecessary trash per square meter. Moreover, a strictly limited period of time is granted for one location: do not have time – blame yourself for yourself. It is also good that the creators of the project took pity on the gamers and indicated the number of valuable items in a particular room. True, it is necessary to determine their exact location and it will not be easy to do it: the desired objects often are lying in the darkest corners of the room. The furious jamming of each millimeter of the picture will not bring the desired result: for such a feint, the rest of the time will be reduced by ears by half a minute. And one more thing: some of the small things in the farm need pre-sale repair, which implies the presence of some details and tools. And they also need to be found – and no one canceled the above difficulties.
Thoroughly searched one of the rooms? Well, forward on the lawn near the house – to arrange the sale of the found. But here there are some tricks. It’s not enough to lay out the trash available on the tables: the neighbors are around, shake their heads and leave the site, being in the belief that you have nothing interesting for them. So you have to take the initiative into your own hands: the client must literally pull and poke his nose into the object, behind which he came. The only difficulty is to determine who and what is in the need for. On the left side of the screen, we will find vague tips. For example, caring someone will inform us: the bride, who left his own wedding, dreams of dark skin, and the grandmother has been eager for restless grandchildren. But if the bride is not so difficult to identify (a white dress and a veil distinguish her among others), then doubts will arise with the same grannies: which of the elderly lady walking along the grass already has happiness (misfortune?) be a grandmother. Solution Star as a world: Pump method. The main thing is to have time before visitors lose their patience and go home.
For the most inappropriate at the first two stages of the game, a bonus is provided – tips that can show where the desired thing is lying around or what from the sale will be of interest to this or that buyer. Just remember that such assistance is provided only five times in one game cycle – before use, be sure to make sure that the situation is really critical.
Having received some kind of disposal, and a penny, we proceed to the repair of the building. Everything is quite simple here: any room needs to design walls, floor, as well as buying curtains and a minimum of furniture. Naturally, every interior detail can be executed both in budget and rather expensive option. What of the proposed will be chosen depends not only on your desire, but also on how you worked on the organization of sales.
Perhaps for those who at least a little The Sims, Interior design stage from Fabulous founds It will seem boring: the picture in general is too incompetent, and the choice of trifles for repair, let’s say, is not impressive. Although, we do not argue, compare the hit from geniuses from Maxis and a mini-game weighing less than a hundred megabytes is incorrect.
Fabulous founds does not let the gamer get bored. The tasks that she puts before the user is constantly changing, the puzzles, although elementary, are still forced to scream a little with gyrus. The only thing that upset is technological performance. Graphics do not caress the eye, but voice acting – ear.
Pros: diverse gameplay;An interesting concept of the game.
Cons: picture;sound.Patrick Spins Casino